Joint Venture

Let's Work Together

It can be intimidating to get started in Real Estate investing, and even harder to implement and maintain a profitable strategy. With our joint venture program, you can have the opportunity to “learn as you go” and get your feet wet with Real Estate investing.

Our team will work with you side-by-side on each step of the process, helping you formulate effective systems and processes. How do you find properties that you can purchase at a discounted rate? How do you manage contractors and renovating? We take you through the process on your first investment property. The 6 month program will get you up and running in your investment venture business, with the knowledge to succeed long-term!

What You'll Learn:
  • How to find properties at a lower rate
  • Managing contractors and renovation projects
  • Finding high quality tenants
  • Negotiations with property owners
  • Applying for mortgages, how to quality for lower interest rates
Learn as you invest

We know about the overwhelming nature of Real Estate investing. Without the knowledge, experience, systems and processes in place, your venture is at risk of losing your investments. However when you work with us, either through our Courses or the Joint Venture program, you’ll have the knowledge and expertise at your fingertips.

Make your investments work for you

We can work on your behalf through the Joint Venture program, if you are too busy to focus on the educational aspect. Some investors like to put their money into a venture that works on their behalf, and makes money for them. Our team can work on your behalf, consulting you as we develop your Real Estate investment porfolio.

Work With Our Expert Network

Not only are we established in the industry with over 10 years of experience, but we’ve developed a trusted network of realtors, lenders, contractors and mortgage professionals. Work with our team to leverage this expertise and grow your investment portfolio today!

Working Hours

Monday - Friday: 9:00am - 5:00pm
Saturday: 10:00am - 4:00pm

Location & Contact

We are located in Cut Knife, Saskatchewan.
We operate investment properties in St. Louis, MO, Atlanta, GA and other locations acrss Canada in the U.S.

Brennan cell: +1 (306) 480-2660

Sign Up: Joint Venture Program

The only way you truly master Real Estate investing is by practicing it in a real environment. This is a high stakes game when you are using your own money, so work with our team to help you on your path to success!